Criminal Activity

When I was a teenager, I took the train from Philadelphia to NYC to visit my sister.  At the conclusion of my trip to the big city, I found myself at Penn Station, smushed in an unacceptably large group of people as we all tried to avoid a single-file line at all costs.   I carried a bag in my hand and another on my back, shuffling along with the crowd.  Down the escalator, onto the platform, and eventually onto the train.  I thought I made it out of the city unscathed.  But alas, when I went to the front pocket of my backpack for my ticket, I saw that it was already wide open.  And although my ticket was still there (some mercy was had), my wallet was gone.  Long gone.  All I could do was sulk for a couple of hours as I sat in angry train silence.

That was my first truly lesson-teaching theft experience.  I’m pretty sure this girl in my 5th grade class stole some stuff from me back in the day.  But this was the first time I can remember falling victim to and being outwitted by a complete stranger.  Traumatic, yes.  But I learned two lessons: 1) Sometimes thieves win – can’t sweat it too much; and 2) front pockets are not meant for wallets…or maybe backpacks aren’t meant for wallets.

Fast forward a few years and time zones, I found myself walking down a street in Amsterdam, delighting in the fact that I felt so safe walking alone after dark.  Maybe I didn’t want to walk down the street with headphones, but I was still impressed by the unfamiliar feeling of…




Although several people were around, the night was quiet.  Waiting for the tram, she was dressed up – skirt, heels, that kind of thing.  She was carrying a bright yellow clutch purse.  I heard him grab her purse in a quick motion before I registered what I was seeing.  He ran almost silently across the tram tracks in my direction, continuing down the street I had just crossed.  She chased him all the way – perhaps on instinct more than reason.  In English she screamed things like, “thief!” and “stop him!” But with the exception of one guy who was in the way and made a faux attempt at heroism, none of us helped.  Her frantic footsteps and screams just faded down the street.

I was shook.  Standing at that tram stop, that woman easily could have been me (though her style wasn’t exactly my taste).  And since I was in for a 10 minute wait for my tram, I stayed shook.

The biggest threats around these parts seem to be bike theft and pickpocketing/mugging – though no one else seems to have witnessed a mugging in such a way.  Perhaps I needed to witness that poor woman losing her yellow clutch purse.  Because although I carefully double-lock my (inexpensive) bike every time I so much as turn my back on it, I was getting a little too relaxed about everything else.  Now, whenever on the street, I try my best to stay conscious of what’s not strapped on and locked down.  The bike also helps me stay out of harm’s way, keeping me off the sidewalks and moving at a much faster pace.

Fast forward several more months, a new problem presented itself.  Sitting in a cafeteria, on campus, with three other people, among once trusted student-colleagues, I placed my laptop at my feet.  Okay, I’m absolutely certain I would have treated such a valuable item with far more care if I were in an airport or somewhere of the sort, keeping it in my sight and attached to me in some way at all times.  But I was at school, with school people, discussing school stuff, with laptops and large bags all around.  I felt safe.

Too bad I wasn’t…or rather, my laptop wasn’t.  I have no idea how it was done.  But although four of us sat at the table, someone managed to steal it from under me.  A sad story, I know.

A student may have been the culprit.  Or perhaps someone from outside of the school preys on careless and distracted students.  (But I think it was a student.)  Regardless, I need to get it together.  I’m just not secure anywhere, at any time, around anyone.  Got it.  And I really can’t afford many more of these tough lessons…literally.  I literally can’t afford this.

6 thoughts on “Criminal Activity

  1. Oh no, that’s terrible, on the other hand, I had grown worried about you. So I am happy to know you are still in good health, but feeling sorry about your laptop.


  2. DANA!!!! I am so sorry to hear about your lap top ;-(. That totally stinks. I know this is always the easy thing to say, but so glad you are ok and that YOU weren’t hurt. Geez. Did you have insurance or low jack on it?


  3. I know its hard but I think all people have weakness. I remember the first time I went to Cuba and it was the first time in my life that I felt no fear walking down the street at night. It doesn’t mean things can’t happen but the risk is still probably less where you are. And we continue to survive. Perhaps survive is a little too harsh but we continue to pick ourselves up and move on.
    much love


  4. Dana, totally commiserating with you from afar. I seriously feel you. (This is where I tell you my own traumatizing theft stories…) The second time I travelled abroad someone stole my purse from under a table without me knowing (it was literally between my feet!). I was fresh from the airport so it had all my money, cards, passport, documents, etc in it. Massive shock and lots of crying ensued. On the way back from that trip, I put my camera in my checked luggage with the hard-won knowledge/assumption it would be safer away from pickpockets. Of course, my camera and all the memory cards were gone when I arrived home.

    Point is, you cry a little (or a lot…), try to replace things as best you can, and move on a little wiser, if a bit worse for the wear. Wish I could be there to take you out drinking to try to heal your pain! But if anyone would bounce back with vigor, it’s you. Miss you!


  5. Sorry to hear about this. Amsterdam is a great city, but unfortunately street crime is more a feature of European life perhaps that is in most of the US. I live in the New York area, and in 12 years ther have rarely witnessed the type of vandalism and street crime that is a daily occurrence in London.


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